Energy Disinformation: "Transportation accounts for 67 percent of petroleum use, but only 27 percent of total energy use. The other third of each barrel of petroleum goes to produce plastics, synthetic fibers, pesticides and fertilizer, fueling farm machinery, generating some electricity and heating some homes. "They did not list a source, so let's just assume that ~50% of oil is for transportation and ~50% for other uses. Even if we dropped oil for transportation usage to zero instantly, that only doubles the amount of time we have left with oil... it does not extend it forever. I hope the oil industries are smart enough to keep investing in research for when the day comes that the tap runs dry.
84. RONCO INSIDE-THE-SHELL EGG SCRAMBLER, 1978 Sick of dirtying forks just to make scrambled eggs? Tired of having to clean out your scramblin' bowl? Get the Ronco Inside-the-Shell Egg Scrambler.WHY WAS I NOT MADE AWARE OF THIS SOONER! Just think, all those countless countless hours spent cracking shells and mixing eggs. DAMN YOU TECHNOLOGY!
Fox Broadcasting Company is searching for a multi-talented, creative and dynamic executive to fill the post of entertainment president.
- Provide tepid support for quality shows (i.e. “Arrested Development”), cancel them when marketing says there’s no audience (i.e. “Family Guy”), and then fill the newly open time slot with complete and utter crap (i.e. “Life on a Stick”).
- Figure out a way to air “American Idol” every day of the week, continue administering S&M-style horse whippings to Simon Cowell, and hide corpses of homeless people that Paula Abdul runs over.
- Keep minorities off of “The O.C.”
- Produce string of “Who’s Your Daddy?” follow-ups: “Who’s Your Husband’s Mistress?” “Who’s Your Hijacker?” and “Who’s Your Child’s Molestor?”
- Convince “Mad TV” scribes that audience really thinks they’re funny
- GED or trade school certification (DeVry or equivalent only please).
- At least ten years experience as a network executive, or demonstrated
ability to wipe own ass.
- Has sacrificed at least one virgin for every year of adulthood.
- References from former superiors that you have slept with, in order to verify
quality of said lay.
- Proven track record of driving assistants to suicide, stabbing friends in back, and
starting every sentence with “I would kill my mother for...”Interested applicants should apply directly through our jobs web site at
What will I charge for this service? Nothing, of course, it's serving the public that is the ultimate reward.
But my favorite, which wraps up many of my feelings about how politicians have been reacting to the case rather than the details of the case itself comes from ScalziRespectful of otters (pt. 1) (subscribed!)
Respectful of otters (pt. 2)
Obsidian Wings (subscribed!)
and Slate
A reader has asked me what I think of the Terry Schiavo case. Well, naturally, I think that I think it's wonderful that we live in a country where the heads of the House, Senate and the Executive branch feel perfectly at ease using the immense power of the national government to micromanage the medical decisions of a single individual, because of course it's not like there's anything else it needs to be doing at the time.
Mmmm mmm! Chock full of sarcastic biting goodness! Read on for more delicious wit! (Also, subscribed!)D
- Should the government allow individuals to invest in private accounts?
- Should the government change the structure of Social Security to prevent a short fall in 2018 (or thereabouts) and incomplete coverage in 2042 (or thereabouts)
- Every game = 1 in 9 quintillion (2^63)
- Every game except the 1-16 match ups which you feel are 1-100 shots = 1 in 600 quadrillion (99^4 / (2^59 * 100^4))
- Same as above except you now say that 2-15 and 3-14 match ups are 85% locks = 1 in 8 quadrillion ((99^4 * 85^8 ) / (2^51 * 100^8))
- CA Lottery = 1 in 41 million