Wow, That's Some Bad SEO

I saw an interesting clip on Sportscenter while feeding Henry at 6:10 in the morning (a completely unreasonable hour, btw) and thought I would go look it up. It was about the top 10 rules for drafting on Fantasy Day and I found the analysis and use of the correct set of statistics quite good. This particular rule was to never take a kicker efore the last round, because the different between the 1st best kicker (who was undrafted last season) and the 12th best one was less than 35 points, which equates to less than 3 points a game and is basically a complete wash. This is something overlooked in a lot of analysis... rather than guessing about eventual performance of one player vs. another, instead look at the entire field and study the difference between players currently remaining. I feel so much of the time is spent on finding the perfect person for your team, but I think the key to drafting is just finding who is RELATIVELY right (meaning the best of what's left) because you never know what's going to happen on draft day. In this respect, I quite like a tool I've been using for a while to track draft day action, because it's extremely easy to see not only who is left, but how they compare relatively to the rest of the remaining field, both within their category and outside of their category. So if you are in a 8 team league and are currently debating between (for example) a WR and a TE, in my opinion the right thing to do is look at the difference between the 8th best WR and the 8th best TE rather than the top two. This tells you the richness of the field remaining and what would happen if you took one and were stuck with the alternative next round. YMMV.

Any how, I'm generally an interested student of fantasy football, so I'm always reading suggestions. In this case, doing a search for "last round kicker fantasy football espn sportscenter" yielded nothing valuable, so I thought I'd start with the main page and work down from there.  Search result for "espn sportscenter"?

  1. #1: Wikipedia for SportsCenter - ok, but not great
  2. #2: Wikipedia for ESPN - still ok, but not great
  3. #3: home page for ESPN from ~3 years ago (!?!?!)

Nowhere in the top 10 is there ESPN's sportscenter home page. Don't blame either, the Google results look the exact same. Wow, that's bad web design / marketing.

FYI, this Sportscenter page is what I'm expecting to be first. Hopefully, this link will help out in the future.

[Update] ACK! It's even worse than I suspected. That page is to the excellent ad campaign "this is Sportscenter". From what I can tell, they don't even HAVE a page dedicated to the content shown on that episode of Sportscenter. WTF?