Chooky, Ph.D. of Chemical Engineering, pointed out this sick video:
UM... holy crap.
I'm constantly fascinated by people who are incredibly deep in certain areas and you never know about it until you're wandering along talking about whatever, and happen upon this area of expertise.
First time it happened for me with Chooky was discussing the best way to have my FoodSaver marinate the meat I was cooking (small aside: if a company capitalizes a word half way through, such as FoodSaver, does that mean it's actually two words?). He described in depth the use of vacuums to move liquid through solid mass (rocks) and the nature of the container I was storing it in in order to get the marinade to work properly.
I had a similar experience with my wife and the Beatles. I think it was nothing more than listening to some promo on the radio with a fairly obscure Beatles song which she not only sang along to, but also named a whole set of facts about the background of the song.
General philosophy point? There's a lot of information out there... make sure to tap into as much as you can.