Interesting Search Results

I've been doing some coding on the side, and the first thing I do whenever I run into a problem or question is type as much of the original error text into a search engine. So I was chugging along recently, and I was looking at the SQL Profiler, and saw a lot of 'exec sp_reset_connection' in there. I was wondering if I was doing something wrong, so off I went to (

  • Search: "sql.server.profiler exec sp_reset_connection"

1 result.

Uh oh, maybe it's time to alter the search terms. But that brief sentence after the stored procedure name looks promising. Let's go to the video tape!

Examining SQL Server Trace Files:

If you're using connection pooling you'll see lots and lots of calls to sp_reset_connection. Typically you'll see one before each SQL batch or stored procedure. ODBC and OLEDB use this to reset a connection before it's "passed around" in the connection pool. Gert Drapers has a good description of what sp_reset_connection resets. Basically I'd just ignore this in the trace (which is what I do in ClearTrace).

Wow. Exactly what I wanted.

For the curious, I also ran it against Google (*&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1) and came up with 7 results, with the above link being the first. Odd part is that none of the rest of the links answered any of my questions and in fact are just distracting.