Our Long Strange Trip

Wow, long time gone. Sorry it's been so long, but we were traveling. You can read about all of our travels on our blog, the Wacky Adventures of the Aronchicks. The trip offered plenty of reading and thinking time and I've got a LOT to blog about, so here's hoping I actually stick to a schedule. For those who are curious, here's ROUGHLY the path we took... I say roughly because, unfortunately, Ask.com doesn't cover Croatian maps, which we also visited. Here's what that path looks like:

I suppose now is as good a time as any to throw in the obligitory geek comment. Why did I use Ask.com? Because they were the only one that had a clear way how to use waypoints... why Live & Google? Why? I would have loved to use your services (especially since Live.com can map Croatia), but no waypoints = can't use it.