Superman's Humble Beginnings

Thanks digg for finding this! Let me tell you, I thought it was so cool to read this first appearance of Superman. The interesting thing is how different it was from the standard legend:

  • Krypton was dying from "old age"
  • Superman grew up in an orphanage
  • Superman is only described as "leaping", never as flying - and the comics all
  • He is not described as impermeable, but that "nothing less than a bursting shell" can penetrate his skin
  • There are scientific reasons (!!) given for how he's so strong
  • His second crime stop ever described is domestic violence
  • There is a science lesson embedded about closed circuits and electricity
  • And, finally, it's only 15 pages long and there are 64 total pages in the book... wild!

Check it out! Plus, I LOVE those old-timey ads.

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