Searching for the UnsearchableBoy, this took a long time. A REALLY long time.I needed to find out a little bit more about a specific tag in Specifically, the '<%' tag. So why not just drop it in a search engine? All the major search engines block searching for this kind of text. It's an incredible pain.Fortunately, I was lucky enough to find a term that was always associated with this (in this case databinding) that helped me search for it. After browsing through about a million websites, I finally found someone who had the same problem. Let me hand it over to Tone's website.
It's remarkably hard to search for syntax like "<%=" if you want to find something that speaks about the syntax rather than all the pages that use it.I ran into a case where apparently identical code blocks in the same .ascx file were being treated differently. One was expanded and the other was treated as a literal.The problem ended up being that a "runat=server" attribute had been added to the element with the failing code block.A normal inline ASP.NET code substitution block uses the syntax <%= … %>.ASP.NET databinding uses the syntax <%# … %>.<%@ … %> is WebForms syntax. One of the following must follow the @: Page, Control, Import, Implements, Register, Master, MasterType, OutputCache, Reference<% … %> executes a block of inline code.<%= … %> does a Response.Write of the value of inline code.<%# … %> does data-binding<%$ … %> is used for configuration file substitutionsThank you Tone!D