The Raiders (Continue To) Suck

Heh - my brother is pissed about the Raiders re-hiring Art Shell. I have to agree. What a disaster.

One thing I disagree with him about:

"When you walk out there, when you into that stadium, you walk out there with a presence. Mr. Davis called it a swagger," Shell said. "I just want to get back to the point where when we walk into a stadium, they know the Raiders are in town. And when we walk into the Coliseum, the Raiders are here. ... We've got to create that attitude, and that's what I expect to do."

What does this even mean? So what? God! As a Raider fan, I take this to mean that the Raiders are going to go back to playing dirty [emphasis mine] and praying that penalties don't get called enough to lose more than 8 games.

This assumes they ever stopped.