my brother (smart, funny and generally very nice guy) has been completely obsessed with Joust since the Xbox 360 launched. And I can see why!
First, check out these
awesome sounds... PRICELESS. I've certainly found my new cellphone ring.
Second, I had always thought that the image section on the lower right was the enemy birds holding a carcass above the lava to lure the lava troll out. I realize now that that image is just the lava troll grasping the bird. But I can't shake that original image... it's so endearing. That an enemy AI would taunt your enemies into the open is just too funny. (thanks to
AtariHQ for the image)
One additional thought, generally I don't think there are enough carcasses in video games. Why do they decide to get rid of the enemies you have dispatched in those styles of games? I think it'd be kind of pleasing to see the death and destruction you had rendered.