The Infinite Data Store

I wish there was a source of infinite data. We're getting there, with all the search engines and such, but that's just the surface. The other day, I was reading a description of the utopias and McMansions which have blanketed the country. There was a great comment, about how the parking lots were big enough to fight the Battle of Gettysburg in. As someone who generally dislikes concrete and pavement, I naturally bemoaned this situation. But it's totally accurate. In my home, in SoCal, there are 15 lane wide freeways and parking lots that are EASILY twice the square footage (just horizontal, not even vertical!) as the shopping malls they support.

What I'd like data on is a correlation of the size of cars and the size of parking lots. I bet that if parking lots were to shrink their size alloted per space, people would be encouraged to buy smaller cars. Of course, they could then just go somewhere else, too. But if it's a constant pain to park, you'd be all over going smaller, wouldn't you?