Great post on reviews at MS

Comment within the Mini-MSFT Blog

This is both the good and bad of blogging, wrapped up in a tiny shell. The people who you want to hear are able to post, and mostly anonymously, because the site is not affiliated with MS. However, it's tough to keep the signal to noise high and not have it turn into a bitchfest. All said, I think there are some great comments in there. This comment in that blog is the most profound:

The most pronounced change I've noticed in my 8 years here is this: when I came to MS, I felt like my executives and I were on the same team--we all worked hard and worked together to achieve common goals, for which people were rewarded in proportion to their contribution. This is no longer the case. The executives live in a whole other realm and see employees more as a cost than as a resource. Hell--this is true even with some middle managers.

If I were an executive at MS, I would be freaking out about a comment like that. If your employees don't feel you are on their side, you've got some REAL problems.