Sense of Entitlement

Today's schpiel comes on the news of the horrible bombings in London. The most frustrating thing is because all these things happen anonymously;you really have no idea what they people want, or what you COULD do to lower the risk (other than locking down everything). You, of course, should never DO anything because you cannot negotiate with terrorists. Ever. You find them and you kill them. Period. But to the extent you can attempt to reduce the next terrorist attack by working to solve the social ills that convert of a perfectly normal individual into a terrorist... I'm all for that.

The thing that I find the most disgusting is that these individuals who engage in this stuff do it out of a sense of entitlement. "My belief system is being infringed upon by this outside source and no one is paying attention to me, I think I'm going to gokill hundreds of innocent people to bring some attention to my cause." You know what? Fuck you. So what, you aren't getting what you want... do you think that any of those people on the subway or bus are getting what they want by being blown to pieces? The world does not revolve around you; so, either get your issues known through perfectly normal, non-violent means, or I will hunt you down and kill you. The worst out of all of this is the total feeling of helplessness... I stupidly write this out on a blog because I have no idea to whom to direct my anger. Sometimes I wish they had a PO Box or something so that I could at least get the sense that my words weren't just falling deaf into the ether.

Suffice it to say that I encourage any one reading this to look around your lives for where you expect anything. From the government? From your partners? From your siblings? From society? You know what? Other than being generally free to do what you want, you dont deserve it. Its great if you get it, but expecting something from someone is a recipe for disaster, both for you and for them.