Loathing Blogger's UI

Well, I've spent the past few days on a search for new blog tools, and I think I've found them. Blogger's UI has just really gotten on my nerves. It's tough to post anything, change formats, post pictures etc. It's just not the right interface for posting a lot. w.bloggar is a great little tool for doing the editing on your desktop. Let's face it, a rich client is really the way to go on this stuff... it just allows so much more for dragging and dropping and editing on the fly. Huge fan of w.bloggar and it ties really well into Blogger's APIs, which means I don't have to do anything new to get it right.

On the aggregator front, I'm still stumped. Basically my blockers right now are:

  1. I want to read everything on a single page, so that page down is all I have to do to move to the next story.

  2. I want new stories to stream down to my desktop. I had too many problems with Bloglines, either not detected I had already read a story, or taking absolutely forever to open up a new page.

  3. I want some way to keep what I've read in synch with multiple computers.

  4. I want a way to read in the order and grouping that makes sense to me. Humor, tech, finance, etc... i want to read things as groups.

I'm messing around with Newsgator, and I think it might work (it'll use Outlook and their website to keep things in synch), but they don't yet support the .Net 2.0 framework. Any suggestions?