What it looks like when someone gets nailed

Klein nailed on falsehoods in Al Franken Show grill

Jeez, I don't know what I was thinking would happen, but I guess this is what I should expect if someone gets completely called out with no basis. Apparently the new book on Hillary Clinton has been found to have a number of real mistakes in it, and the author (Edward Klein) went on the Al Franken show. And got absolutely destroyed. He hemmed and hawed through the entire thing and at the end it made it seem like he had just thrown together random rumors and quotes. It's not like it's a problem, of course. It'll still sell millions ...

Was there ever a time where when someone was proven so completely wrong they were just thrown out of the talk show circuit? Because I guarantee that's not going to happen here. These quotes and rumors will be echoed for the next 20 years and likely will be perceived as facts forever. And they will make up the basis of the negative campaign that assaults Mrs. Clinton in her next run. I don't even particularly like her, but this is terrible. It's not new, but it's completely transparent now that all that matters is selling the books and, even if they are completely false, the books will continue to be churned out at amazing speed. It'd be nice to have a time where after a book or quote or ad or whatever was proven wrong, the responsible parties retracted it all and destroyed the remaining copies (or reprinted them to be sorted in the fiction section). Not likely that's going to happen any time soon.

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