Natural Pet Food

Darwin's Natural Pet Food

Might as well give a free ad for these guys. They only serve about 500-600 dogs a week, but the food sounded so good, I felt like I would be happy to eat it. Apparently the dog food is designed based on the digestive system of the wolf, from which the dog is a descendent. What a good idea! I wish I knew exactly what our digestive system was designed for. Every week it's something new... but if I could eat exactly what we were DESIGNED to eat, that'd be so much easier! I wish there was a little thermometer on your stomach that just read "need meet now", "need water now" and so on. We need more direct measurement of your needs and much less figuring out what you want based on what you THINK you want, since that's influenced by all the crap around you. Let's face it, when it comes to our bodies, we have no idea what's going on.