MS Doing Something Good?

Longhorn (heart) RSS via Channel 9

I know that I have a huge bias here, but I really think that MS is doing a really great thing when it comes to RSS. The beautiful part of it is that amount of work that an application developer no longer has to do. I think that RSS is going to be so much broader because MS is putting the work they are doing into the platform. The nice part is that this is not novel work… soon you’ll see these kind of platform investments in every platform. The surprising part is that any one else could have done the work first, but MS did. I think this may be the first time in a long time that MS has done something big that other people will emulate. Because knowing what RSS is and parsing XML for a dev is absolutely useless. It’s like knowing how to handle a TCP/IP packet. It’s the start of a brand new world. And when you can synch your databases, web directories, book marks, photos, calendars, reports, contacts, sales pipelines and everything else you can think of over RSS, you can have announcements like this to thank for kicking it off.

1 response
Found your site through pubsub looking for postings on today's news. I agree this stuff looks great. Can't wait to get my hands on it.

You make it sound like you're on the team. Good work if you are.

I would make a recommendation though. Don't let Dean be your public rep. The guy comes off as a condescending jerk. He was talking over the top of people, adding irrelevant anecdotes, treating his colleague like a lowly servant, laughing at his own jokes, answering questions like a politician (not answering the question he was asked), and generally talking like the assholes in my company speak. He can't even speak a sentence without buzzwords and biz speak phrases.

"Let's take a step back here" which really means "Let me hijack this conversation and sound like I'm a big picture guy"


"Let me expand on that" which really means "Let me repeat what that guy said but in a way that will make you think I'm smart"


"I'm a big fan of that scenario" which means "Holy fuck I'm wallowing in the techspeak and this guy is asking about how people might actually do something at the end of the day"


"why don't you tell me what kind of process you want" which really means "holy shit I got called out on saying email is a process because all I do is read and write emails and I have no idea how to answer this"

Jesus Christ. Fucking talk English. Get someone else next time.