Gnomedex Initial Post

I’m sitting in Gnomedex right now… boy if everyone in here was taken via some alien abduction, basically 80% of the daily posts on the web would just disappear. My question is that if that DID happen ,would the blogosphere lose it’s strength? Is it big enough to exist on it’s own? I’d like to think so… but it’s still so new. I’ve been posting for a decent amount of time in Internet time (2 years this fall), but it still feels like a shaky medium in a lot of ways. The blogosphere is made up of personalities, not publications, and that could suffer if the personalities decide to move on to something else.

I will say this, I think the people in here really miss how broad blogging really is. I’ve heard comments that ~50% of the population doesn’t know what blogging is. Are you kidding? NINETY percent of the population doesn’t know what blogging is. And the majority of the remaining 10% don’t even know they’re on a blog when they’re reading it. I used to think my company had a unique sense of myopia when it came to understanding how broadly technology was adopted. I’m beginning to think it’s all geeks.