You know where I'm going, and you know where I've been

Wired News: Ad Execs Want to Track Every Move

Ok, I know they WANT to track every move, but how? Even if I carry a pager device around and it shows that I passed 14 billboards on the way home, will that really indicate that I saw them? I think this is one of those academic things (which happens to cost the company more than $100 M) which, on the other end, you'll get a ridiculous amount of noise and discover that people who drive red cars are %0.06 more likely to go to TGIFs than to Applebee's when they hear a White Stripes song on the radio, and whoopty do, because correlation does not prove causation.

One thing that caught my eye was this:

"One thing we found is that since the consumer has a fast forward in their hand, they will use it," Pizzurro said. However, the company also found that people are unlikely to bother fast-forwarding through one ad.

Project Apollo could offer advertisers insights into which messages resonate with viewers, and which fall victim to fast-forward.

Doesn't this optimize for some kind of ad which you will be forced to watch... OR DIE? Battling Seizure Robots anyone?