Smoking Through the Generations

Science & Technology at Scientific Effects of Smoking May Be Passed Down through Generations

I was initially skeptical of this study, only in that I could not see a way that the effects of smoking could have been passed down in any way from mother to daughter let alone from mother to grandchild. But, when thinking about the immune system, that could be a very viable way for this to be passed on. My question with the study is did they control for children whose mothers smoked when they were pregnant but then STOPPED smoking when they were born. Because I have to imagine that if you're desparate enough to smoke when you're pregnant, it's pretty unlikely that you're not going to be smoking after you've had the baby. Still, it just amazes me that tobacco has still been as accepted as a product for as long as it has. You're talking about the only product which is not only proveably addictive but proveably increases your chance of dying. Yet I cannot buy alcohol on Sundays. The multiple personalities of the government always annoy me. Either regulate EVERYTHING (please don't) or let me do what I want without prejudice.