World's biggest airliner completes first flight

World's biggest airliner completes first flight - Aviation -

I love how Airbus is touting this thing like it's going to be a flying city. Let me give you a little hint... NOTHING is going to appear on that plane that does not increase the ability of a given airline to jam as many people into a given flight as possible. Store? Bar? Relaxation chair? Movie theater? Gimme a break. Welcome to the world of changing germs with 555 other people on a 6 hour long flight with nothing to eat but a bag of peanuts and pretzels. They'd pack people into the galleys if they could. And rightly so! If you, the airborn public, were willing to pay a nickel more so that you wouldn't get deep vein thrombosis for being shackled into your seat like a feed cow, the airlines would accomodate you! But, oh no, you had to Hotwire yourself into a seat that saved you a buck. Welcome to Hell, kid.