Books: The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy: The Untold Story of How Democratic Operatives, Eccentric Billionaires, Liberal Activists, and Assorted Celebrities Tried to Bring Down a President--and Why They'll Try Even Harder Next Time via InstapunditYou keep using this term "untold". I do not think it means what you think it means.Apparently the book is about how the Democrats attempted to use the media (through documentaries like 'Outfoxed', 'Fahrenheit 9/11' and so on). Interesting premise. Some of my friends are confident that those firms responsible for producing those pieces were tied at the hip with the Democratic party. I do not agree, but can certainly see the possibility of connection. I do not agree that Sinclair Media was tied to the Republican party, though the same possibility of a connection exists between those two organizations. I believe the one exception is the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth who DID appear to be tied to Mr. Rove very closely.My thoughts on the book are that it seems a rather silly reason for a book. Of course they're going to try and take down the president... they're the opposing party! Just FYI, Mr. York used the phrase "take down", I think he meant "defeat in the election" which, last time I checked, was totally legal. Further, I revel in books like this... they save me endless time! Why bother reading them, you know everything you want to know about it just from the title! I was going to come out in a tirade against such front covers/titles, but I've changed my mind... I think they're a huge benefit. Now I don't have to even pick up the book... if it was even slightly more subtle or intriguing, I'd probably pick up the book and flip through it wasting valuable time I could be dedicating to slurping down mochachinos or using wireless networks or whatever other distractions they have in "book stores" nowadays.D