The Echo Chamber readers go nuts

Yep, no question about it, this columnist was wrong. Really wrong. But in response to this, I count no less than six updates, ten links and a handful of blog entries all written on this. I'm always surprised that people dedicate so much time to focusing on opinion columns and Op-Ed pieces. Anyone with twenty minutes and a computer can hammer out one of a column; it's really not worth your time once someone has been proven wrong. A lot of the rancor today appears to be in response to the supposed affect that voicing a person's opinion in a public media outlet. There's such a huge difference between a story on page A22 and one two pages later on the Op-Ed page. Yet people who do not like a media outlet, for whatever reason, allow their criticism to bleed over from the items clearly identified as opinion to the outlet as a whole. I just do not think it's worth anyone's time (excluding my time to comment on the commentors... now THAT'S valuable).