Kansas Schools Struggle with Evolution and Creationism

Kansas Schools Struggle with Evolution and Creationism via NPR

Ok, you don't believe in evolution. Then how do you explain it? Not where we come from, but all the things that are currently dictated by evolutionary theory that we can see today (just as an aside, why is it still a theory? I mean there’s easily as much proof for evolution as there is for gravity). I think there's a big difference in belief when it comes to the evolution that turned proteins into monkeys and humans and the evolution that allows a single organism in a Petri dish of antibiotics to survive and eventually fill the entire dish. Yet, logically, one must lead to the other, right? Do people who believe in intelligent design (man if that isn't the most PC term I’ve ever heard, I don't know what is) believe in the evolution that occurs in the Petri dish?

I believe the tact that evolutionists are taking (the example used in the story was the intelligence found in the organization of DNA) will paint them into a corner. People fifty years ago were saying the same thing about the nucleus of atoms and how their ability to stay together even in the face of science (two positive protons should repel) proved that there was a greater force holding everything together. Apparently it's not the devil who's in the details, it's God. By cherry picking some laws of science, some felt like they could "prove" God was present. I promise you that, regardless of what you believe, in the next 50 years we will know vastly more about the aspects of the universe we live in. Yet this fact should not deter someone's belief! Faith is faith, independent of your perspective on science. Don't try and mix the two.

One thing I was particularly annoyed with in the story, however, was one woman's opinion that her children should not be taught evolutionary theory, because it's wrong. That's exactly the reverse of what should happen; people should be taught EVERYTHING so that you learn how to make an informed choice between two rational positions. Anything else is a recipe for fundamentalism.