Corporations Sue Google over Results for Competitors

Corporations Sue Google over Results for Competitors via NPR

Is it just me, or does it seem like French courts have no idea what the Internets are all about? First the Nazi decision where Yahoo France had to either drop the Nazi items from their auction site or BLOCK ALL OF FRANCE FROM GETTING TO THEM. Yes, because that's realistic.

Now comes the Google decision which is just as bizarre. Imagine that you're a personal shopper for someone. They say, "Have you heard anything about Kraft Mac and Cheese?". You respond, "Yes, it's quite good. You know what else is good? Velvetta Mac and Cheese." You have just committed a trademark violation according to these courts. Alright, it's a little more subtle than that because you don't own the rights to the words "Velvetta Mac and Cheese", or, more specifically, you don't own the rights to SELL the trademark "Velvetta Mac and Cheese". But it's still pretty darned confusing. Does Google have to track all trademarked items? Shouldn't it be the people who bought the words who are actually committing the trademark violation? I feel like the courts are pretty much fumbling around with the whole Internet and current laws just do not apply correctly.