Jon Stewart wins, CNN cancels Crossfire

Jon Stewart wins, CNN cancels Crossfire

There are a couple of really interesting points about this:

a) CNN's president, Jonathan Klein actually MENTIONED the Jon Stewart piece for the rational for killing the program. Wow.

b) Ars Technica correctly points out that this hardly solves the problem. The real problem goes back to something I mentioned earlier, presenting white and presenting black does not equal presenting grey. Those who believed in white STILL believe in white. Those who believe in black STILL believe in black. No one believes in grey.

Since I face this most days at work, I guess this seems sort of second nature to me, but I'm wondering why the first things that come out of the mouths of reporters are not "What's your source for that", "Who did the research" and "why do you think doing x will solve y". I'd love it if every press conference started with that.

My favorite question to someone who does not believe in a point I'm trying to make now is what would it take to get you to believe my point. It's silly saying things that I think are convincing if they're not convincing to the person I'm discussing it with. Although, with my long history of losing arguments, it appears that may not be a solid strategy.