
Gizmodo : Funhaler via Gizmodo

This is an awesome device to make using an inhaler fun (well, fun-ish I suppose, since if you're using it, you're having an asthma attack). Especially cool is it uses basic marketing and toy principles (colors and spinning wheels = fun) combined with a basic device to encourage kids to use it and/or not make them look like pariahs.

I’d love to see this kind of strategy more often… imagine, an in-car breathalyzer that allows you to play Mario Kart before you drive (or while you’re waiting to sober up) or a blood sugar measure that plays Snoop whenever you measure. The basic philosophy is to make things that people normally find painful into tolerable by leveraging the design from other devices that are already addictive. Now if they could only invent a lifecycle machine that feels like a massage…