Daniel W. Drezner on food porn

danieldrezner.com :: A very important post about... food porn

MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... food porn.

And the ad for the thickburger.

A) I don't know why there's mayo on there. What is this, Canadia?
B) I'd have to get it without the bacon, in honor of my God.
C) People are so concerned with the calories... man calories come and go, and especially with something like this that is so much fat and protein, in the grand scheme, it's not that big a deal. My real problem with it is the sodium, which you can be sure breaks 1500 mg. 1.5 grams of salt? I was wandering through the grocery store the other day to discover that the pre-made soup had over a thousand grams of sodium. It boggles the mind.

While that burger above looks good, I think the one below is the one for me....

Now THIS is a burger. At least it has tomatoes.