Andrew Sullivan's Poor Predictions

Andrew Sullivan's Round Up of Pre-war predictions shortly after the Liberation via Eschaton

Heh, there's not enough of this going on. Read the attached for a list of quotes where Andrew Sullivan predicts history will find reporters who say that getting into Baghdad and/or keeping it will be extremely difficult are, in fact, morons. Suffice it to say, I think history probably does not agree with Andrew Sullivan. Sometimes I'd like to open up a blog that did nothing but take old articles involving predictions and compare them to ACTUAL events.

Particularly funny is this one:
Conventional Wisdom Watch, by Newsweek. A down-arrow for Dick Cheney: "Tells 'Meet the Press' just before war, 'We will be greeted as liberators.' An arrogant blunder for the ages." Nope, Newsweek. Yours was the "arrogant blunder for the ages." And on April 7!

Even IF Mr. Sullivan felt like this was the case, isn't using the status of Baghdad two days after liberation a bit premature to use as his measure for counter evidence?

I fear what people are going to be looking back at on my blog. Actually, I doubt you even have to go back that far. Just reference things I posted earlier in the day for a litany of contradictions.