Kong is King.net | King Kong | Peter Jackson's Production Diary
Funny thing about videoblogs (and photo blogs to a lesser degree). Much as it feels out of sorts to see the face of a person who you've heard for years on the radio, or shake the hand of a person you've only seen in pictures, video blogging feels totally weird and does not seem (to me) to lend itself to the medium very well. I remember I used to be fairly active in a set of chat rooms and at one point we discovered Internet Telephony for free (this was a while ago). So we all started calling each other. I could not have less to say to people if I had pulled them in off the street, despite rambling on at the keyboard to the very same people for hours on end. Sometimes your mind gets in a certain form of interaction with another person or group and that's how you picture them forever.
Blogging is great because I can do a thousand different things at once, I can read two other stories to verify my point, do spel checking on the fly, correct grammar, edit flow, you name it. Virtually none of that is possible through video blogging if we want to have the same kind of wild west open environment that we have today. I definitely think quality would suffer and I'm not sure people would be willing to sacrifice that for seeing 2x2 inch pictures of video clips. Who knows though, I might have said the same thing about tv 50 years ago.