Nothing of great import today (is there ever anything of great import?). I've joined orkut, thanks to a friend of mine, and the concept is definitely interesting. I messed around with Friendster for a while, but it was so slow it was absurd to use. The concept, for me, is a wonderful one; basically it allows what were formerly passive networks to be actively processed by people. For dating, it's great in that A: you know your friend knows this person and B: your friends no longer have to actively answer the question "Do you have any single friends". However, I wonder how well this will work for non-dating scenarios. Like could I get a VC contact through this? The other question is how skewed is the sample. Are only computer geeks (myself included) going to be the one who log in? There was a great article on this, and other online dating tools, in the New York Times Magazine a while ago; I have yet to see any payoff however. My dates seem to only be acquired the old fashion way... by making an ass of myself. Email me if you'd like to be my "friend" (on orkut or otherwise, I suppose).