Interesting little tidbit on Ralph Nader's potential candidacy and encouraging him not to run ( I was living in New York at the time of the 2000 election, and I recall the time was absolutely astounding. Everyone on every street corner was talking about it. But not in any kind of panicked way; it was just the only topic of conversation for about 2 weeks. I'm not exaggerating, you'd get in a cab and the drivers would ask you how many counties is Florida had been counted at that hour. People wrote little applications to parse the CNN website and ping every time there was an update. But it's funny, the website above is absolutely correct. It would have been a landslide (not necessarily of popular votes, but certainly of electoral votes) if Nader had not run. I'd be surprised if he was able to pull even 1/3 as many votes this time as he did last time, because the people that voted for him last time are so likely to be Bush haters, and are much more concerned with electability than issues. That said, I would not at all be surprised to see Bush win again, in that the Bush White House is one of the most electoral savvy I've ever seen.
Not that I think this is going to affect me either way. I'm just a cynic.