
A few quickies today...

First, someone sent me a link for this software. FolderShare. VERY impressive. Allows synching of home, work and mobile PCs transparently, through firewalls. Dave like.

Second, I was turned on to Newsgator recently. I'm really impressed with this software as well. Integrates completely into Outlook and Exchange, which means you can take it on the road or where ever you want. It's worth the $30.

Third, while browsing through my new found enormous list of blogs to read as part of this Newsgator feed, I came across a great page. I find myself torn, though, because I don't just want to reference other blogs. I always find that the most interesting resources on the web are where people bring something new and interesting to the table. Like the number of bars in Seattle, or the number of steps between major landmarks in NYC. On the other hand, if you haven't seen it... It's new to you, right? Ah the dilemmas of a new medium. I think for now, I'll just reference it and quote the source. That should be fair, right? Anyhow, I miss pasta. (Courtesy of Instapundit)