Plug for Space Monger

I've had the biggest trouble keeping my hard drives free of ... wait for it... garbage over the years (I hope you did not think I was going to say porn). Anyhow, I'm always downloading podcasts and ripping mp3s and installing random files to try out new geeky things. I've always been disappointed, however, that Windows lacks a simple way to look at all the space used by directory in Explorer. MacOS 9, the last time I have seriously used a Mac at length, had a simple way called "Calculate Folder Size". I miss that.

I know there's been a few other ways of navigating your files that offer some folder sizing options... Here are 15 in fact. However, I found my new winner.

It's called SpaceMonger, and I love it. Let's zoom in on the most interesting bit:

I know it's a bit blurred, but you can see the important parts. The folders that take up the most space are the largest. And you can see the contents, zoom in or delete them right from this interface. It's one of the first truly innovative ways of looking at a very standard problem I've seen in a long time. Nice job guys.