Ask and ye shall...

Looks like I found my news reader for the forseeable future.

Great News


  • Fast fast fast
  • Single button to next unread
  • Really cool newspaper format lets you see all the stories in a channel on one page
  • Ties into bloglines

Still to be worked on:

  • Allow to default to show all stories in a channel or group on a single page without having clicking the "Next>" link and/or the next one
  • Once you reach the end of a channel or group, the same key that advances you in the group should move you to the next unread channel or group (even better if it all appears on one page, see below)
  • Ability to view all the stories across the channels in a channel group in a one page newspaper format (separated by the same header you currently have at the top of the page)
  • Custom ordering of the channels or groups
UPDATE: Looks like it does #3, but I was just thrown off because of the "Next>" button. This is an area where a scenario type focus can really help... it's always annoying to have to switch keys (let alone modes of input) to continue doing the same thing you're doing, which is basically going from news story to news story. That's why having to hit a different key to go to the "Next" page, or having to use the mouse to find and click the link is such a pain.

2 responses

Have you tried pressing the x10 link. It shows all the items for a particular feed in one page.

I have... and it works, mostly. I just wish I could get rid of it altogether. The problem is that the next link is so small, and doesn't have a hot key, I have to do an input or a key switch in order to click it, which is kind of a pain.